Useful Links

The following links will take you to other sites about, or containing information on, the indicated 'first families'

Hickmott Family Websites

Dawn Miles 'The Hickmotts of Lamberherst' and other important sites.

Nigel Masters site on the Boorman and Doust families.

The Lee Family Site also on the Boormans and their Australian descendants.

Wendy Beckett's website.

Chris & Amanda's Web Site.

Murray Mitchell's The Hickmotts in New Zealand.

Vyv Mathew's family tree.

My RootsWeb site for the Hickmott Family (2320 entries last updated on 3 April 2010). Also includes information on the Owen family.

Kersley and Laurence Families

My RootsWeb site for the Kersley & Laurence Families (551 entries updated 17 January 2010)

Barbara Moore's Pioneering Families of Australia.


Free Family

Darryl Brady's website

My RootsWeb site for the Free Family (2778 entries updated 22 March 2010). Note that this site also includes information on the Chaffe, Coxall, Finkell, Flavell and Shepherd families and their descendants.


Cheeseman and Wright Families

My RootsWeb site for the Cheeseman Family (966 entries updated 12 July 2009). Includes information on the Bass family.

My Roots Web site for the Wright Family (591 entries 16 September 2008). Includes information on the Bodger family.

Mickey Pearce's site on Jane Haggis (nee Cheeseman) and descendants.

Terry Keyes' site on Christina Cheeseman (nee Stewart/McDonald).

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